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15-Minute Market Visibility Makeover

Shared On August 28, 2024 • 5-Part Video Series

Start Gaining Visibility And Attention

Gain access to five videos that share an easy-to-follow, actionable, step-by-step process that you can execute within your marketing strategy to gain quick visibility, attention, and customers for your business.

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Just Getting Started, Get Quick Wins

Follow along as I explain a quick process that uses a handful of free tools you can use to get started on your marketing journey, starting right where you're at so that you can test your platform in the market, get feedback, and scale your growth.

What You'll Get In This Video Series

This quick and dirty guide summarizes a lot of the content you'll find throughout this website and give you the golden nuggets on how to execute all this yourself so that you are able to easily test your minimum value product or possibly test a new market if you're looking for an easy to use a playbook for your next campaign.

Video Series Agenda

This 5-part video series will discuss the following topics:

Choosing The Right Software Category

People buy based on categories, not products. You could have the same product that allows customers to achieve the same results, but one product will win, and the other will be the runner-up.

Making Bold Platform Claims

Don't make your customers guess about the problems you're claiming to solve. Most SaaS companies get hung up on feature sets and solutions, but never make any bold claims as to what they are actually solving.

Designing Your Website Hero

SaaS companies are getting better at this but I have still seen my fair share of website heroes that are all founder ego driven starting they are the best, claimed G2 recognition, or just got their next series of investments.

Using LinkedIn To Gain Attention

LinkedIn is one of the most effective platforms to start digital advertising. The platform is positioned as a professional network, and the targeting of your ads can get very granular, so you can target the right message to the right buyer.

Converting Attention For Your Platform

Once you've got attention, the next step is directing them to an offer page where you clearly share the value your platform has to offer, and using persuasive language, have them agree to a free trial or demo, depending on your sales strategy.

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